Seek that Leak 2016!

The Romanian Water Association through Water Training Center and with support of Compania de apa Somes will organize the 9-th regional Leak Detection Competition this year in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. From the first until the 8th edition the number of participants have constantly increase from 6 till 22.

We expect that between 29 June – 01 July 2016 the operational teams (with their own autoloboratories) from Romania and observers teams to gathered again to find out who could track down leaks most accurately and with the greatest speed.

la concurs depistariBeyond the promotion of best practices among the specialist, this annual competition helps raise awareness about the significant problem of water loss that is shared by utilities around the region, and provides a great opportunity for them to learn from one another.

After the competition, the teams always want to know, “how did they do it?” and this leads to some great peer learning.

ascultari noaptea piatra neamt

Together with the support of equipment producers dedicated to this activities and along with sharing the good practice with the sector in one day seminar, we will create the complete platform for Reducing the Non-revenue Waters.


More details about the completion can be retrieve from mr Silviu Lacatusu 0040 744 215 772 or


Despre Alin Anchidin

detectii pierderi apa 0726 397 519
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